Monday, October 05, 2009



I’m sure you’ve all heard the WHY question. It’s Sunday night, the kids want to watch a movie or play another round on the X-box, when….

“Have you done your homework yet?”

“But Mum…”

“You know the rules. Homework before play.”

“Stupid rules. What do we need homework for, anyway?”

Children, particularly those whose Learning Style is holistic, need to know WHY they have to do homework: after all, what’s the benefit of doing something at home that you’ve just done in class? The trouble is, sometimes we, as parents, find ourselves asking the very same question, as we leap to help with spelling here and a science project there, not really knowing how to help (tip: to find out how you can help your child, discover his or her learning preferences).

So, why do we have homework?

· Homework is important to reinforce skills that have been taught at school.

· It also gives teachers a chance to monitor students’ progress.

· If children are positive about homework, it can be a great way to learn how to work independently.

Are you wondering what the next step is? Have a look here to find out.

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