Wednesday, October 29, 2014

An Excerpt From Barbara Prashnig's Keynote Address in Poland

11 Steps to implementing Learning Styles on a school-wide basis:

1. Teacher training (LS Day 1) “Diversity in the Classroom Based on Learning Styles” including teachers’ own personal LSA-Adult profiles

2. Student assessments with LSA questionnaires, printing of computer-generated student profiles by the school itself

3. Teacher Training (LS Day 2) “Help for Problem Students – new Classroom Management – Group Profiles” interpreting student profiles with focus on underachievers; LSA Interpretation Manual; classroom re-arrangement

4.    Observation period of seven days carried out by teachers trained in learning styles

5. Sharing results with students and parents: interpretation of LSA profiles, homework and study strategies for students; parent evenings to share results

6. Teacher training (LS Day 3) “Teaching Styles, Learning Tools, implementing LSA” including teachers’ personal TSA-Ed profiles; focussing on mismatch between learning & teaching styles; production of learning tools; implementation strategies

7. Creating and using interactive learning tools, produced initially by teachers, later by students, resource teachers and/or parents

8.    Adaptation of classroom teaching to suit analytic and holistic students – lesson preparation to integrate LS into learning cycles and accommodate L/R brain processing, plus strategies for multi-sensory teaching to cater for auditory, visual, tactile & kinesthetic learning needs

9.    Classroom redesign: based on students’ preferences from group profiles and with students’ input; school-wide co-operation is necessary to achieve the desired outcomes

10. Evaluation phase: monitor students’ progress and evaluate impact of programme on teachers, students, parents and the community at large

11. Continuation: incorporate new students, train new teachers and continue
     to build the ‘School of the Future Based on Learning Styles’.

 Please contact us for more information.

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