Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Boys, girls and IT

Do boys and girls learn to use computers in the same way? According to a study conducted in Europe, there are significant differences between young male and young female IT users.

Boys seem to prefer learning about computers at home: either alone or with friends. Girls, on the other hand, learn their computer skills at school or with their family. (Do you know what your own learning style is when it comes to learnign in a group? If not, why not do your Learning Style Analysis profile on www.creativelearningcentre.com?)

Boys seem to spend more time on the computer playing games and looking up information than their female peers do. Both genders, however, spend about the same amount of time communicating via the Internet. Which brings us to the important topic of Internet Safety, discussed next week.

Read the full article on http://www.eurydice.org/Search/frameset_en.html.

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