Thursday, October 24, 2013

Your Child's School Report

How user-friendly is your child’s school report? One of the reasons behind introducing National Standards in New Zealand was to ensure school reports were easy to understand.

The School Report’s Structure
The report should include:
·        your child’s progress in relation to the standards;
·        your child’s progress in relation to their own goals;
·        recommended steps to support your child’s learning.

If you have a child in years 1 through to 8, the report will cover aspects:
1.      measured against the targets set out in the National Standards, namely:
·        Reading (fluency, understanding);
·        Writing (creativity, spelling, punctuation);
·        Maths;
2.      not measured against the National Standards, such as:
·        Science and Technology;
·        Health and Physical Wellbeing;
·        Key Competencies (works well with others, actively contributes to the class, asks questions).

The report will indicate whether your child is achieving Below, At, or Above expectations. Some schools also have the categories Well Below and Well Above to provide more detailed feedback. 

Want to find out more about learning styles and how to give your child the best chance of getting good results? Then email us with your specific questions on

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