Thursday, March 29, 2012

Teach Your Teen To Drive With Learning Styles

Did you know that car crashes cause the most deaths among the USA teenagers?

Learning to drive is a lot like learning to walk. At first, you fall over. You think you'll never be able to master it. It's stressful, it's frustrating, it may even be dangerous. And then, one day, you realise you've got it. Driving feels like second nature, the car is an extension of your hands, your feet, and your head. You forget how steep the learning curve had been.

And that's just the thing. When you learn to drive, you have to learn a myriad of new skills, some of them counter-intuitive (like looking in the rear view mirror when driving forward), all of them difficult yet vitally important to your safety as well as the safety of those around you.

Some people learn these skills faster than others. It's all to do with a person's individual Learning Style. If your teens are a holistic processor, they'll probably get the hang of it all more easily: operating the clutch with the left foot while applying the accelerator with the right foot while changing gears with one hand and steering with the other and flicking the indicator with their imaginary third hand. If they're analytic, however, they might ace the Learner's License yet struggle to drive a manual car.

What other Learning Style Elements might help your teen learn to drive? Being visual, auditory and tactile will help, together with not needing mobility when concentrating.

Check here to see whether learning to drive will come easily to your teen. Also check what other elements can help them in their journey, like their optimal time of day, temperature, noise level, etc.


marc said...

My daughter is currently 14 and I know that I will soon have to teach her to drive and will try some of tactics out.

Yvonne Eve Walus said...